Sunday, August 30, 2015


It has been 4 months already since i first joining the medical devices team... Yes , im enjoying my so called "kerja tanpa kira masa".. Being around with "adult" is just another amazing experiences in my life.. Bcos they all always said
1) yana , u r big girl now.. u r not kids eventhough u r looks like them.. be matured.. be strong.. this life is cruel
2) yana , jom makan .. abang belanja milo ais yeh.. (ni ayat biase abg zul la)
3) yana , no worries even u r the youngest in our team but yet we r still willing to teach and share all the experiences that we have w u
4) yana , jom kitorg aja u how to be a lady

and banyak lagi la ayat so called " adult" 2.. dan i feels like im so bersyukur bcos Allah send me to this kind of team , meet them , be friend w them , be one of them , it just kind of blessing.. (walaupun makin hari i rse i x berubah apa pon.. cara jalan , cara cakap , cara kerja , cara makan , sume la... is still me.. still the old me... still yana... x berubah jd nora danish pon(hokayyy start dah merepek)...)

kisah 1: rambut dah panjang... time to cut it off babyyy
kisah 2: rindu Fahri sangat
kisah 3: Dia dah semakin serious..
kisah 4: Renovation rumah in progress for our next step.. Heading to IKEA
kisah 5: and im getting scared of losing u , living this life without u as u never teach me how to live without u
kisah 6: i dah macam ade anak dok hostel sbb every weekend ambik , anta , n beli barang2 untuk ica (plsss grow up sis.. x kan maggie abes pon still call "kak.. maggie ica abes.. tlg beli ye..."... oooooo maiiiiiigadddddd
kisah 7: hari2 aq bgado dgn si kecik toyol azraiiiii... budak ni annoying tahap gaban

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